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Adobe Photoshop Photo Editing Sinhala Video Tutorials. Learn Digital Image Editing. (wefvdaí f*dfgdafIdma fhdod .ksñka PdhdrEm ixialrKh)

Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing program. It is used to create computer graphics and edit digital images. Photoshop is popular among photographers, web designers, graphic designers and UI designers. In the following video lesson, you will learn to use Photoshop and to some of graphic editing techniques. These tutorials are designed for beginners who haven’t exposed to Adobe Photoshop application before. This is the largest Photoshop lessons developed in Sinhala language.
you can download the trial version of Adobe Photoshop from page.
- 1. Start the application
- 2. Create new Photoshop file
- 3. Understand document window
- 4. Photoshop application interface
- 5. Change matte color
- 6. Open images in Photoshop - PART 1
- 7. Open images in Photoshop - PART 2
- 8. Open images in Photoshop - PART 3
- 9. Open images in Photoshop - PART 4
- 10. Using the Move tool Updated for CS4 & CS5
- 11. Using the Hand tool Updated for CS4 & CS5
- 12. Understand color modes in Photoshop - PART 1
- 13. Understand color modes in Photoshop - PART 2
- 14. Creating presets in Photoshop
- 15. Zooming images - PART 1
- 16. Zooming images - PART 2
- 17. Zooming images - PART 3
- 18. Align multiple objects Updated for CS4 & CS5
- 19. Resize image canvas
- 20. Resize images - PART 1
- 21. Resize images - PART 2
- 22. Resize images - PART 3
- 23. Using the crop tool
- 24. Crop and resize images
- 25. Crop and straighten images
- 26. Perspective crop in Photoshop
- 27. brightness and contrast
- 28. Chanage layer transparency
- 29. Color layered image - PART 1
- 30. Color layered image - PART 2
- 31. Understand layer order
- 32. Use fill transparency
- 33. Using color picker
- 34. Using color swatches
- 35. Using color paletts
- 36. Using color replacement tool
- 37. Color balance
- 38. Create custom color swatch
- 39. Desaturate color images
- 40. Understand Hue and Saturation
- 41. What is Lab color mode
- 42. Lock All and Lock Position buttons
- 43. Match color features
- 44. Add photo filters
- 45. Removing Red eye
- 46. Shadow highlight - PART 1
- 47. Shadow highlight - PART 2
- 48. Shadow highlight - PART 3
- 49. Using sharpen tool
- 50. Sponge tool
- 51. Using curves to change the lighting of an image
- 52. Using the eye dropper tool
- 53. Using Histogram palatte
- 54. Using Levels - PART 1
- 55. Using Levels - PART 2
- 56. Using Levels - PART 3
- 57. Using levels to change lighting
- 58. Using auto color option
- 59. Using curves to enhansed images - PART 1
- 60. Using curves to enhansed images - PART 2
- 61. Using curves to enhansed images - PART 3
Adobe Photoshop CS4, CS5 New Lessons
Newly updated sinhala video tutorials on Adobe Photoshop version CS4 and CS5.
- 1. Introduction to Lesson Updates on Adobe Photoshop
- 2. How to Start Photoshop Application
- 3. What's New in CS4 & CS5 Versions
- 4. Understand Workspaces in Photoshop
- 5. Understand New Interface
- 6. Using Toolbar and Option bar
- 7. Open Images in Photoshop
- 8. Arrange Document Windows
- 9. Using Adobe Bridge Application
- 10. Using Mini Bridge Panel
- 11. Setting Correct Colour Profile
- 12. Create New Document
- 13. Save New Document Settings as Presets
- 14. Understand the Toolbar
- 15. Understand Layers
- 16. Remove Layers from Photoshop
- 17. using-zoom-tool
- 18. Distribute Multiple Objects.
- 19. Create Grid Pattern Using Layer Groups
- 20. Crop Images.
- 21. Image Size and Print Size.
- 22. Understand Image Resolution.
- 23. Use Marquee Tools to Select Image Area
- 24. Using Eyedropper Tool
- 25. Using Healing Brush Tool New
- 26. Using Magic Eraser Tool New
- 27. Using Background Eraser Tool New
- 28. How to Resize the Canvas New
- 29. How to Crop and Straighten Photos New
- 30. How to Convert to Grayscale Image New
- 31. Using Magic Wand Tool New
- 32. How to Change the Brightness New
- 33. Using Levels New