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CorelDraw designing Video Tutorials, Learn Vector Graphic Designing
CorelDraw is a popular vector graphic designing software.

- Introduction to CorelDraw 12
- Welcome screen in CorelDraw 12
- Create a new CorelDraw document
- How to save CorelDraw document
- Create basic shapes in CorelDraw
- How to apply fill colour to shapes
- How to apply outline colour to shapes
- Using Zoom tool in CorelDraw
- Create custom shapes in CorelDraw - Part 1
- Create custom shapes in CorelDraw - Part 2
- Create straight lines using the Pen tool
- Create curve lines using the Pen tool
- Using the Bezier tool to create curve lines and shapes
- How to use the Text tool in CorelDraw
- How to add an image to CorelDraw document
- Creating the Adobe Logo in CorelDraw